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Re: Micks Porch

From: Joey F.
Remote Name:
Date: 27-Aug-2002
Time: 02:21 AM


An apple on the ol' desk top, a blessing on the ol' desk top. Micky, Susie, and everyone else ... a blessing upon you ... all.

May God spread His blessing and His grace upon thee. We exist and live within His blessing and grace, so close your eyes ... and drift into His peace.

There you will find His grace. He is all around us, so that even if He isn't around us in our keyboard strokings, He is around us in our thoughts and prayers.

My father died last May, and my mother is deep within her Alzheimer's. So a deep sleep and God's blessings upon all you tonight, and always into God's beginnin's on the 'morrow.

God Bless you all.
