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2 and 3 years

From: Ron L.
Remote Name:
Date: 01-Sep-2002
Time: 07:46 PM


It seems to be a day for reflection and a resounding "ditto" to all that's been said. It was 3 years ago after wandering the Newburyless aisles of record and CD stores that I also found this place and the ripple effect of that discovery has enriched my life and put me in touch with many of you. On 8/17 this year, it was the 2nd anniversary of Gathering 2 in Cottage Grove, a weekend forever treasured as the entire Newbury clan opened their hearts to all who were there. Like Stu and Roisin, I have been fortunate enough to have spent a golden afternoon exactly as they wrote..and no one could have written it better. Many artists have fans, many artists even have zealous fans, but no artist anywhere could have more sincere, selfless, or sensitive people who really want only to spread the word about his unique and soul-fulfilling art.

With love, Ron
