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September 11

From: Griffon
Remote Name:
Date: 10-Sep-2002
Time: 07:45 PM


Dear Friends, It's a beautiful Spring morning here in Australia, the same type of morning I woke to last year. The first words my partner said to me as he raced up the hallway to switch on the television were, "something big has happened in America." For most of that day I sat in front of the tv. not bothering even to dress and tried to absorb what was happening on the small screen in front of me.Late in the afternoon I went to check the mail, and the silence, and tranquility of thar Spring day seemed an almost sacreligious act against the people that had lost there lives, not so far away from me on this tiny planet. I wanted to scream at the birds to stop singing, at the man that tooted his horn and waved to me, and at the teenagers laughing as they shared a cigarette at the bus stop, even though it wasn't there fault. A one hour documentary was screened here last night showing the tradgedy of Sept.11. I knew I had to watch and try to take in as much as I could, this kind of horror and pain must never be forgotten or ignored, to ignore would be to trivialise the lives of the victims, and that is what the terrorist did. May God bless you all, and help you take care of each other. Walk quietly, touch each other gently and speak softly on this Holy day. This must never happen again, or those that have suffered and died will have done so for nothing. Your friend Griffon.
