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Who's The Teacher?

From: PETE
Remote Name:
Date: 12-Sep-2002
Time: 06:51 PM


My daughter-in-law is homeschooling my 7 year old grandson, Enoch. Recently, she, Enoch, and his 3 year old brother, Jonas, were discussing heaven and speculating on its bounty. She suggested that it may be like a candy store that you could get anything you wanted and would never have to brush your teeth-obviously trying to get it into terms relative to their understanding. Enoch thought about it a few minutes and responded that he thought heaven would be more like a town that had a gift shop that you could get things like love and forgiveness to give away. That kind of response from a 7 year old astounds me. I don't remember thinking that deep when I was 7. Of course I'm proud of my son, his father, who is much more concious of proper paarenting than I was.
