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Mickey influenced my life

From: Scott C. Schult
Remote Name:
Date: 04-Oct-2002
Time: 12:23 PM


I just got back yesterday from a trip to Hawaii with my wife. I started going through the stack of papers and there I read of Mickey's passing.

I was a boy of maybe 5 or 6 years old when my parents (Conrad and Carolyn Schultz)had Mickey and Sue over for dinner one night. Mickey brought his guitar and played in our front room. He gave me a "Frisco Mabel Joy" album and signed "to Scott, God Bless, Mickey". I listened to that album and the "Live at Montazuma Hall" album probably much more than a child should be allowed to lie on the floor with phongraph speakers on either side of his head. I listened over and over. I was deeply touched by the music. I bugged my mother for a year or two to let me take guitar lessons. She finally relented. I've been playing my guitar and singing Mickey songs for years (hopefully not butchering them too badly). Music has played a very large part in my life, and no other has influenced me more than Mickey Newbury.

I give my love to his family.


Scott Schultz
