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My Friend Joe Z.

From: Roy
Remote Name:
Date: 05-Oct-2002
Time: 09:47 AM


For almost two hours last night Joe and I spoke on the phone for the first time. It was much like talking with Mickey. We both marveled at the number of gentle souls who gather here, of how most of those who come to sit on this porch have the same calm energy, the same light within and how much they care of each other.

Joe is a man who has a labor of love ongoing. For those of you who might have wondered "why" he spends hours and hours looking for "covers" of Mickey's songs...he really doesn't know. It just happened over time. Joe is another long lost brother.

You might ask how or what binds together an old concert promoter/pool salesman and another who supplies broadcast equipment to stations world-wide. The answer is Mickey.

I call it Mickey Magic...and over the past seven days I have marveled at the number of people who have visited here for the first time...and how most are just like those who have a rocker that they use on a daily basis. I can't believe that Mickey or anyone in his family really knew how many people have been effected by Mickey Magic.

Joe said last night, (and forgive me if I don't quote this right) "Mickey never had fans for long, as they soon became Mickey's friends".

How many lives did he touch? God only knows...and that's the wonderful thing...because God does know.
