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Exerpt From a Ron Lyons Piece

From: Hank
Remote Name:
Date: 09-Oct-2002
Time: 10:21 PM


"The next morning Mickey was gracious to have me over for "his special coffee" which amazed me because I thought he would be absolutely exhausted. It really was like the Front Porch as we all sat around. It struck me once again how much love and strength he draws from all of us. Sadly, it was time for this magic time to end. As I left his room, I put my arms around him and said: "I love you" and he said, "I love you, too". And, there's not one doubt in my mind that he meant that for every member of the Porch and especially the ones who just rock and listen and are never heard from. I am proud to be his messenger The melancholy of leaving and saying goodbye was overwhelming as one by one, we all began the long journeys back to our separate realities. There is always a tendency to enhance or exaggerate an experience like this. I have felt no need to do that. As Lana and I traveled the nine hours back home, the high was always there and these are some of the images in my mind..... watching Jack watch Mickey.....All of the Newbury's dignity and warmth......Chris in those shadows.....Laura Shayne kissing her father's forehead as she brought him his glasses......Susan with her unquestionable courage and totally sincere demeanor....Mamie's zest for life.....Jerry's quiet love and support for his brother...all the genuinely humble people I met.....the light in Mickey's eyes from all the collective love in that room....Bob Rosemurgy with his constant effort to let us and the world share the man's indescribably soul-fulfilling music. But, my most abiding memory from The Gathering 2: The best example of serenity I have ever seen is Mickey Newbury singing with his eyes closed."

[FROM RON LYONS ARTICLE ON THE GATHERING][Click Articles above to read the rest, along with Joe Z's wonderful Leavin Guthrie.... Thanks Ron]
